If you direct the energy the right way, the result will be a full and satisfied life. The current state of life is the result of where we direct our energy. The subconscious does not distinguish between negative and positive thoughts, it simply acts.
Every day we start with responsibilities and tasks, we are somehow used to it, we work, we invest our time, our energy, while we create work and life stereotypes. After a while we get to the comfort zone, where we are kind of used to everything. We learn to function according to certain expectations from the surroundings, family, friends, we meet the requirements and we walk nicely in the pre-drawn tracks. Every day someone dictates to us how we should or should not behave. And we try to fulfil it somehow, then we find out that this is not really us, that the way of life we live does not bring us happiness. Strangely, we do everything exactly according to the required expectations and it even looks, at first glance, like a perfect, smooth and successful life, full of pre-defined rules. The question is, are you happy?
” Life is the result of where we direct our energy”
When we regularly water plants, the result will be a beautiful and blossoming garden. Increasingly luxuriant, healthy and strong. Water gives the plants the energy to grow. With the energy, i tis exactly like with water. If you direct the energy the right way, the result will be a full and satisfied life.
“When you invest energy and interest in something negative, the energy will go in that direction, the negativity will grow, and it will thrive “wonderfully”. Everything around will become more negative.“When you invest energy and interest in positive things, they will grow and thrive. They will start to prosper, they will get stronger over time and they will start to attract more and more positive things.”
Life does not do what it wants with us, it only leads us along the path we choose ourselves. It’s not like a wild river that you have to have to be carried away by and you don’t have a chance to go in another direction. There is no need to fight with your own life. Just strengthen the healthy positive mindset and you will go in the right direction. Promote everything healthy and positive. Positive energy is like a small seed in the beginning. You plant it and water it, you invest your interest linked with water / energy, the plant starts to germinate. Then there is no need to stop, just focus more on positive settings in our lives. The paradox is that this extension will attract other like-minded people to us. People with new interesting projects, plans and investments. People who invest energy the right way like us. We don’t even notice and our fragile plant suddenly becomes a huge tree providing shade to other small plants
” Right now, you are the summary of where you directed your energy….”
- What is the aim in our life? Is it the understanding and finding out what we really want? It is not about what wants my boss, my husband, children, family and what my friends think would be good for me. The aim is find out our own needs, ME.
- What is your vocation? Maybe to think about what I am in this world for, what I am good at, maybe to think about what I would wish to do and where my life goes. Sometimes we even ´force´ the reality, we refuse to come to terms with the current state of affairs and pursue our own ideas obstinately. Life does not allow us to experience a situation ta a wrong time, no matter what we do, it simply brings us back. There is no need to fight with it. Just walk the path, everything comes at a right time.
- Who and what is important in my life? What do I pay the most attention to in my life, is it my appearance, or do I think too much about what other think about me? Do I surf a lot on social networks and compare myself, or do I just meet people who draw on my energy and ideas?
“So where do we start, do we understand how our mind works?”
Our subconscious does not distinguish between negative and positive thoughts, it simply acts. Let’s try to define an enormous space of mind with many areas and parts like anger, aggressiveness, jealousy, faith, happiness, love, cordiality, sex, art, food, science, technology and quantum of different things.
Let’s imagine the idea like a light. It lights up in the area of the brain where it comes, no matter if the room is negative, or positive. If I focus on negative thoughts like anger, or sadness, these emotions affect my whole day, life and direction. I can’t manage anything.
On the contrary, if I strengthen positive thoughts, I direct my attention and energy to faith, love, I try to find a positive side in everything, I surround myself with the right people and my life attracts healthy things.