Have you ever heard of the gene DRD4-7R? Scientists have revealed that this gene is a trigger of the insurmountable desire to get to know new places and things. The craving to travel and interminable curiosity is ´in the blood´ A gene that makes us more courageous in business, private life and sports.
There is no doubt that some people have stronger desire to experience unknown adventures more than others. They wish to travel and discover. They are learning continuously and need new stimuli. Some like the maximum comfort and is happy with the office work. They do not need to travel, nor new stimuli, one week by the sea with a cup of a good coffee is sufficient for them. Others want to experience adventures of travel and to live half a year in America, then in Brazil and the rest of the year in India.
Scientific studies have found a link between personal traits of individuals who seek adventure and a variant of the DRD4-7R gene. This gene is also called “wander gene“, or Wanderlust gene. Scientists also found out that 20% of the population has a variation on the DRD4 gene, anybody with a variant 7R has a high predisposition for “curiosity“ and needs to constantly discover.
The person is a little bit “addicted to travelling.“ In principle it is a code for travelling, curiosity and discovering of new cultures and trying new food.“
The gene influences the level of dopamine in the brain which in turn influences the behaviour and motivation for a higher risk taking. People with this gene with a perfect coldness and tranquillity step out of their comfort zones and discover remote places.
„People with the gene seek adventures and adrenaline.“
It is sufficient to ask oneself just a couple of questions:
- Are you fascinated by new things? / Do you get easily fascinated by new things?
- Do you love travelling to exotic places?
- You don´t get put off by discomfort and bad conditions, right?
- You say „yes“ to every challenge?
- Do you surmount your fear when it comes an adventure?
- You cannot ´sit´ at one place for long and office is a nightmare for you?
- Do you love to try new flavours and cuisines?
- You are not afraid of experimenting by cooking or dressing up?
- You don´t any problem to jump off the plane, of course with a parachute.
- Are you attracted by an expedition to the Antarctic, India and/or by an adventure in a jungle?
- Do you like hiking?
If you get the majority of “yes“, you have the “adventure gene“. You were born to discover.
It is a chemical in the brain that is in charge of controlling rewards and a pleasure in our brains. When we experience something that we like, it release dopamine into our brain, which links the thing with a pleasure.
- Most people have dopamine fixations linked to pretty ordinary things. To activate the whole dopamine cycle a stimulus like eating of a chocolate or looking at a happy image from past suffices.
- Others have a lower sensitivity. Lower sensitivity results in seeking bigger and more adventurous experience during which the dopamine is released. That explains the tendency for higher risk taking and an adventurous way of life.
Where to seek adventure in the times, when one cannot travel?
- Hiking
- Mountain climbing
- A run in a forest and discovering new paths
- Nature wonders and interesting places in our surroundings
Whether we inherited ´travel shoes´ from our grandpa who loved travelling and adventure, or whether is our behaviour influenced by “travelling/adventure gene“, be yourself and do not bother about the reactions of your surroundings.
“I just simply love adventure and getting to know everything new, the whole world is like a one country. The communication with new people, getting inspired by their lives and experience and surround myself with clever people fill me up with joy.