Being proud of your achievements and goals is a great feeling. You managed something that you worked on for a long time and invested a lot of your effort in. A success, that you will naturally want to share, will come. Suddenly you find that you have no one to share it with.
It’s great to have a partner next to you who shares everything with you.”A woman is half the kingdom, because only with a queen will a man build a kingdom.” However you would want, a king has it more difficult in life without a queen.
A woman creates a home and looks at things completely differently than a man, perceives situations differently and evaluates possibilities, seeks solutions and communicates. A man, on the other hand, has an incredible power of strategic thinking, is a hunter by nature and is uncompromising.
Together they can manage to build a strong and stable empire, company, society, family as well as prepare the background for future offspring. In addition, I noticed while talking to very successful men is with how much pride they talk about their wives / partners. Sparks appear in their eyes, the tone of their voice turns to a softer, more sensitive form, they speak of a woman as their secret of success. And I’m convinced that’s the case. There are a million ways and recipes for success out there.
So let’s start building a house from scratch …..
Nowadays, everything is very affordable, light and simple but at the same time so demanding. I am terrified by ´plastic people‘, because I just can´t grasp how plastic people can prepare a healthy background for a partner, advise or listen to worries. Plan a crazy business strategy and plan for the future. Support the partner when he fails. Sincerely enjoy success. This is simply not possible, as they are not satisfied with themselves and need constant plastic adjustments for their satisfaction.
How do you find a strong partner who will be a strong and supportive pillar no matter what happens? Where can you find a person who will be focused on success today, but at the same time will not be overwhelmed by it and will maintain humbleness and respect? He will have a healthy mind, body and a clear view of the world. Will he work with joy and support the people around him?
“Do not put your success on a pedestal but take it as a natural part of work.”
I can think of only one thing, natural intuition, an inner voice somewhere deep inside us that we tend sometimes to forget about, but thanks to it we have that beautiful spark in our eyes when we are excited and happy + Basic human qualities
- Sincerity
- Generosity
- Humbleness
- Decency
“I would give my life for my family, my children and my king. I would do everything for them. Really everything. I really mean it.” …. Elena Cardone.
Elena Cardone is an interesting example of a queen’s wife. She constantly motivates her husband. He sees possibilities where he does not perceive them and strategically plans the future course of action, in addition to which, she manages to write a book as well as care for the family. He is, on the other hand, a tough and uncompromising businessman, he does not hesitate and progress, he achieves goals and tries new possibilities. Together they have built a billion-dollar empire, own aircraft, a stadium where they give lectures and continue to motivate people. They want to expand to Europe in the near future. A strong woman will make a man an even stronger KING.
“I think the success is that we are invincible together. We complement each other and know our mistakes as well as our strengths. ” …… Elena Cardone.
The second thing is that no one wants to waste time. Invest in the wrong person, whether for fear of disappointment or lack of faith. We prefer something that doesn’t work, and we prefer to stay in a comfort zone ……
With the wrong person, we never build an empire. Success becomes even more precious when we look forward to it in two, goals become clearer, and the future begins to build on its own. The king and queen can build incredible things, a strong and invincible empire.