We all love super shiny and strong cars. There is probably no person in the world, who wouldn’t see Formula 1 at least once in life. A strong sound of motors, adrenaline associated with racers as well as some status of luxury and prestige is attracting enthusiasts from small boys to men in their “best age”. Even celebrities are not an exception, they come to enjoy the special atmosphere of the Grand Prix and celebrate the victory of the best racer. Over the recent years, with the arrival of “online” and blockchain technologies, the style of the F1 has changed. Thus, the adrenaline is accessible to everybody.
With the F1 is linked for the last 29 years, maybe the best presenter of Germany, Kai Ebel, charming personality brimming with humor and a “dose” of optimism.
A man with unmistakable charm, energy, some flamboyance, and unbelievable amount of positive energy. As if he was born for presenting F1. I met Kai by coincidence, on a plane, he was one of those individuals you cannot miss. A year later, we had a coffee together in his hometown in Mönchengladbach,
Le Globless: Kai, please tell me, where did we meet?
Kai: We are at my favorite place, where I once played as a kid with my parents and was going for ´a weekend cake´. I am living just around the corner; I have horses and a park where I walk my dog. With all this hustle and bustle going on around, people somehow naturally prefer tranquillity and nature. And we have wonderful places everywhere around, with my wife, we can ride horses and enjoy the relax and friends.
Le Globless: Please, tell me, how long are you a presenter of F1? Your personality just naturally links to racetracks and racers, doesn’t it? I think, you probably “grilled” all of them, right?
Kai: Haha, indeed, it’s been an awfully long time that people perceive me as a part of F1, I just simply know everybody. I started as a sports editor, later I moved to F1. I am in RTL since 1988. The beginning was a bit tougher and, strangely, I like to think back on it, I was persistent and ambitious, I loved this work … As soon as I noticed somebody important or famous, I ran over to him/her with an already prepared question. It was as if it popped up in mind on its own, without a difference of status, they replied me every time, we even became friends. With many, up until today. I would really say that the last 29 years have been like a roller-coaster ride…laughter. And by this ride, you change hotels, flights, suits, you ´wear´ a smiley face and you are never tired. And as a presenter, you need to constantly educate yourself. Maybe it doesn’t seem like it, but a presenter has to know everything about the cars, racers, tires, news and famous people.
Le Globless: What do you think about the online racers of F1, mainly during ´the corona period´ these were very popular. Besides, a lot is said about the entering of blockchain into the world of F1.
Kai: Do you mean paid broadcast? „yes.“ Online F1 games might be alright, but everything is about purchasing power. There is a huge demand after the online broadcasting in the Great Britain, where there is a lot F1 enthusiasts, but Germany is not interested in them. …Formula 1 has always been connected with strong experience and emotions, adrenaline, as well as business. With the entry of the online world and technology, we lose it all and get into somehow ´insta world´. The online broadcast of Grand Prix has been an alternative during the corona times, when many of the real Grand Prix have been cancelled, but this has nothing to do with a real sport. The online racers are maybe of interest in India, China, Malaysia, Singapore and in Asia, in general, they are used to it, but Europe is different, we need to hear a strong motor, feel that strength and adrenaline, not to watch it online.
,,At the time, both parties underscored the significant brand power of Formula 1 and the new licensing agreement’s potential to broaden consumer exposure to blockchain.
Animoca Brands has also entered into a licensing agreement with Atari — famous for being the developer of iconic video games such as Tetris and Pac Man.“ Cointelegraph
Le Globless: So, what do you make of this natural connection and the arrival of blockchain technology in the F1 world?
Kai: I was close to one man who introduced me a bit to cryptocurrencies, but I was never 100% sure. You are in a new world, the economy is collapsing and it is better to take precautions. I admit, I am in blockchain halfway, one foot, I am taking precautions. I don’t wish to have money only in bank. We will see what the whole financial world will do, it’s good to have an alternative but i don’t think that everything could be transformed to bitcoin. There is still a strong interest to own something that you can hold, real money. I think we are in complete control of the digital currency, any transaction is recorded. On the other hand we cannot rely solely on the savings in the bank, we have to move with the times. It is 100% my business, something is missing here for me.
Le Globless: How do you see the future of F1?
Kai: The chapter of RTL and Formula 1 is closed, RTL lost the license for broadcasting F1 for the following year, how we mentioned, everything changes. One chapter has come to an end a new one is opening the next year. Right now, I have many interviews, talkshow offers, but only now I have time the possibility to spend quality time and have a control of my life. Formula 1 has been dominating my calendar for the last 29 years – I even had to book holidays squeezed in between two races of F1 … but that’s the price of a Dreamliner.
…. Even such a trifle as choosing a pen is subject to the rules of sponsors. However, how Formula1 will change, I cannot unfortunately tell. Nevertheless, I am old school, I like simple and functional things of quality and Formula 1 is my great passion and a matter of heart. I have dedicated to this passion 32 years and have met many amazing people, millionaires, celebrities, I have wonderful relationships with them which I have built over the years and at the same time, I have a great respect for their work. I learned a lot from them and personally I admire them. I experienced wonderful moments here and found many friends.
Le Globless: How do you perceive the celebrities from Instagram and F1? I saw one young woman from Australia who promotes the most luxurious cars in the world and lives in the UAE. How do you perceive the influencers in this world?
Kai: Influencers are everywhere, they are taking photos of everything and present themselves as celebrities and want to have everything free only because some people follow them. I like humble and polite people, but there is not many of them in the world of today.
“It’s great pleasure for Le Globless to meet a man like Kai and to exchange experiences from this crazy business world. One eventually finds out that the most important are usually those like smile of the beloved person, horse riding, or a banality like free choice of spending time. Thank you, Kai.”